About us
“Charity isn’t just about helping people in poverty. It’s about creating a country where poverty doesn’t exist” - Kasy Chambers, Executive Director of Anglicare Australia, Stronger Charities Alliance member
The Stronger Charities Alliance was formed in 2017 in response to a number of bills which would have silenced charities on issues of national importance.
The vision of the alliance is of a thriving not-for-profit sector, where charities are empowered to advocate for lasting change in pursuit of their charitable purposes.
Together, over 150 members of the Stronger Charities Alliance represent millions of Australians concerned with a wide range of issues, including education, social welfare, human rights, international development, animal welfare, the environment, health, climate change, disability rights and philanthropy.
Our organisations, the issues on which we work , and the communities that we represent are diverse, but we all share a fundamental commitment to serve the public interest.
The alliance was formerly called Hands Off Our Charities, but has changed its name to reflect a renewed focus on bringing civil society organisations back into the heart of government policy making.
The alliance is managed by a steering committee of members and is coordinated by the Australian Democracy Network.

Policy areas we advocate on
charity regulation
Ensuring the regulatory environment properly enables charities to engage in lawful advocacy and doesn’t impose onerous red tape
Electoral laws
Ensuring community voices can meaningfully participate in election debates
Ensuring that federal funding agreements don’t prohibit advocacy
Our Members